Premium Range

This range contains the earliest, fruitiest olive oils, made from the green olives of October. Here you’ll find all the green features of Picual olives, whose harmonious aroma is reminiscent of tomato plants, artichokes, green bananas, fresh-mown grass, olive leaves and green almonds. Its emerald-green colour is typical of this kind of extra-virgin olive oil.

This oil is rich in natural polyphenols and antioxidants, whose health-giving properties come through in the oil’s aroma and strength. These special qualities make these oils unique, in addition to being the perfect ally of healthy eating.


This bottle is a spectacular combination of design and the most exclusive of the olives we harvest at Picualia. It holds one of the finest oils of the whole harvest, extracted and selected by exacting professional oil tasters. This lot of extra-virgin olive oil is reserved for the most demanding competitions. Since it represents us under such important circumstances, it’s important for this lot to truly represent the finest of what we can do. When you taste it, look for the freshness of the green fruit and the fruity scent of green olives, plus an emerald-green colour. This oil is of a spectacular degree of purity. Its clean, pleasant flavour will make you want to try it again. Available in 500-ml bottles.



This is the bottle Picualia has chosen as its symbol. Its characteristic blue colour is the same that you see in a professional oil taster’s glass. It contains a fresh, green olive oil made with olives harvested in October. We’ve extracted the finest aromas and flavours, the scent of tomato plants and green almonds, notes that might put you in mind of a walk in the Sierra Morena on a spring evening. When you taste this superior olive oil, it just might carry you away. All the October oil that is not set aside from the first day of harvest or the lot reserved for national and international competitions is preserved in these bottles. Available in 100-ml and 500-ml bottles.



This is the oil extracted from the olives collected on the first day of the harvest. It’s a limited-edition oil with a emerald-green colour and that impressive fresh flavour characteristic of recently extracted extra-virgin olive oil. It is sold as a special collector’s edition, with a label that pays tribute to a chosen subject each year. So, each year the label is different, making this oil even more special. Available in 500-ml bottles.